Completely erasing someone from your life is very drastic. Many have and still use the act of destroying photographs to do this, to completely erase the existence of someone. The proof of the precious moments and celebrations that recalls the relationship together are completely destroyed.
Here are the photographs that were saved half way through the destruction for some unknown reason.

Like my ‘Belfast Family Album’ project these objects were donated from various people to help with the project. Many people would have been of the older generation as this seems like a dying technique, as now with the digital age memories and people can be gone forever in the drag of a mouse and a click of a button. I loved hearing the stories about why the photograph was initially destroy but for one reason or another some of it was saved and deemed worthy to be placed in the family album or in a storage box in the attic.
I started to photograph the destroyed photographs as you would usually read them but I found that it exposed too much of the story and the emotions that it evoked. When I looked at the back of the destroyed photographs you could see the damage more effectively to the soft white emulsion of the photographic paper- this interested me more as every slice and bubble from the flame made it so unique. I felt it fitted in more with what I wanted to achieve with this project and to also respect those who had donated their destroyed images.
This is still an on-going project and keeps developing with every piece of research and person I encounter. If you would be interested in helping with this project, please contact via email : hfoskettphto@gmail.com